Dummy-Proof Ways To Upgrade Your Curb Appeal

Dummy-Proof Ways To Upgrade Your Curb Appeal

From Zero to Sold

In a neighbourhood like Oakland, homes are by no means unattractive. With sky high prices and a dwindling inventory, Californians are dying to snatch their hands on a nicely-priced home… Even if it calls for a major fixer-upper! For those of you who are not from the California state and don’t have this lovely problem to deal with, here are a few easy ways you can amp up the appeal of your home brought to you by the expert himself, Brad Roemer and his team of realtors. The best part is: You can achieve all these upgrades in the span of one short afternoon.

Say Goodbye to the Old Front Door! 

With promising interior decor colors such as lavender, Millennial Pink and Pantone’s Ultra-Violet, you can’t help but find yourself in the midst of all their beauty. If you want your home to get noticed in literally little to no time, then consider painting your front door a different color. No need to hire a handyman to get this paint job done, simply choose a dry day with minimal pollen levels and get your brush strokes ready. Although the stage designers at Brad Roemer Realtor are a fan of lavender and Millennial Pink for interior decor items, their favorite front door colors are ruby red, jet black, Robin’s Egg blue, fluorescent turquoise, outrageous orange and Southern Belle blue.

The trick to painting this bad boy is using masking tape and a plastic drop cloth to protect the door from the outside, allowing it to stand open from the inside of your home. All hardware will then of course need to be covered with painter’s tape, and the surface of your project will need to be cleaned with a soapy sponge and then rinsed with a damp rag. After you’ve gritted your door down with sandpaper, wipe away all dusty residue and prime you door with sealer. After the sealer has dried up, paint your door with two coats of your preferred color. And voila! You have yourself a new statement item, thus tremendously improving your curb appeal.

There’s a Reason We Love Planters

If you wish to avoid an expensive landscaper to do the work for you, opt for a larger planter that hangs right near your front door. Not only will you avoid the maintenance of watering dozens of plants and flowers every week, but you can be sure that all your guests grab a view of this pretty spread. You may even want to invest in a decorative planter that has artisanal grasses in order to elongate the length of time your planter will be good for.

Decorate Your Front Door

While painting your front door a fresh new color is a bold enough move, allowing individuals to spot it from miles away, using a wreath even when it isn’t Christmas-time can entice visitors to check out your home… Possibly scoring you a sale! Brad Roemer’s favorite springtime wreath is created from preserved myrtle with freshly-scented pink and white petals. If you prefer a longer-standing wreath, opt for a dried option that can overcome harsh summer storms.

7 Responses so far.

  1. I absolutely love the ideas in regards to adding curb appeal to my home. I’ve been living in my home for years and I was thinking about finding a “little pick me upper”. I love…love…LOVE the idea of painting my front door! The idea of painting my door a RED is probably the boldest my poor husband can endure so I’m going to run it by him. As far as the plantar, I’m not so sure. My front door area may not give enough room to that idea but I loved this article and I will definitely consider giving to more ideas about my curb appeal.

  2. Great tips, my front yard has been in the need for some touching up recently. Planters are a really good method that I will definately have to try out sometime.

  3. This is great advice. I’ll be the first one to admit that it never occurred to me how important it is to maintain this area. I walk by it every day without batting an eye. It’s been a while since I’ve had anything painted for landscaping, never tried it.

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